On the March

Mexico: A Caravan Within the Caravan Has Arrived in Tijuana

On Sunday, a group of about 80 LGBTQ Central Americans arrived in Tijuana, the first members of a migrant caravan traveling through Mexico toward the U.S. border since October. The migrants had organized within the caravan itself, electing leaders and taking their own census within the larger group.

Taiwan: 140,000 March for 2018 Taiwan Pride, but Challenges Still Remain

Many speeches today at the pride parade were responding to criticisms of marriage equality by anti-gay groups, such as speakers emphasizing the importance of sexual education and teaching pluralized and diverse social values through education, or that gay marriage is not incompatible with Asian social values in the way that anti-gay groups sometimes claimed. 

Open minds are needed to improve the protection of LGBTI asylum seekers in Europe

Whilst we must work tirelessly for better protection of the human rights of LGBTI persons, we also need to be mindful and understanding of the fact that sometimes they have no other choice but to flee and seek safety outside their own states.