Politics of Union

Taipei: Competing same-sex marriage bill proceeds to second reading

Legislature on Friday voted to send a draft bill that would limit the use of the words "marriage" and "spouse" to heterosexual couples to a second reading, where the bill will be reviewed together with another one that would legalize same-sex marriage.

South Africa: Dutch Reformed Church's decision diminished gay congregants' integrity - court

Pretoria - In a victory for people in same-sex relationships and who are members of the Dutch Reformed Church, the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, on Friday morning overturned the church’s decision not to recognise same-sex unions within the church.

US: A legislator’s daughter called him out for endorsing an anti-LGBT bill, so he apologized

A Republican lawmaker from Kansas has apologized and removed his name from a piece of highly contentious anti-LBGTQ legislation after his daughter wrote an open letter, publicly shaming him for sponsoring it.

US: An Indiana tax service turned away a gay couple. Both sides claim discrimination.

Bailey Brazzel and her wife Samantha weren't trying to make a political statement last week. They were just trying to file their taxes.