Politics of Union

Panama Parliament condemns violence in protests against constitutional reforms

“Ignorance and prejudice are the basis of homophobia in our country and the LGTBI community is defenseless against these attacks . Listening to the deputy renews the fight. Many have opened their eyes that homophobia is real and dangerous. ”

Panama closes doors to equal marriage with reform

The National Assembly of Panama, a unicameral legislature with an official majority, took the first step to prevent same-sex marriage through constitutional reform. The deputies approved a project to reform the Constitution where in one of its articles it says that "the State recognizes only the marriage between a man and a woman".

Hong Kong court turns down first judicial challenge for same-sex marriage but urges government to review policies to avoid legal action arising from discrimination against LGBT people

Court of First Instance rules against a lesbian woman who complained that lack of options of marriage or civil union partnerships had violated her constitutional rights

The judge said the Basic Law could only refer to the marriage of a man and a woman because the constitutional document was written based on that understanding