Regarding Religion

Taiwan: 140,000 March for 2018 Taiwan Pride, but Challenges Still Remain

Many speeches today at the pride parade were responding to criticisms of marriage equality by anti-gay groups, such as speakers emphasizing the importance of sexual education and teaching pluralized and diverse social values through education, or that gay marriage is not incompatible with Asian social values in the way that anti-gay groups sometimes claimed. 

Australia: Senate debates anti-discrimination protections for students and teachers

On Wednesday parliament began debating a bill from The Greens that would bring in protections for both LGBTI students and teachers in anti-discrimination legislation.

Equal Future 2018: Majority of Catholics in world’s eight largest Catholic countries call for the Church to change its approach to LGBT young people

New poll figures today show that a majority of practicing Catholics in the world’s eight biggest Catholic countries want the Church to adopt a more positive approach towards young people and to change their teaching on LGBT.

Australia: LGBTI groups, leaders and allies call on Government to protect trans and gender diverse students and teachers

Today 50 organisations called on the Morrison Government to amend outdated anti-discrimination laws to ensure all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people are treated with fairness and equality.

Vatican: Reflections on Two L.G.B.T. Questions at the Synod

Questions about L.G.B.T. issues are being discussed at the Synod of Bishops on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment, currently underway in Rome, mainly because young people today are increasingly interested in questions about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.