Regarding Religion

US: Bishops say ‘sweeping regulations’ of Equality Act will harm society

In a joint letter to Congress March 20, the chairmen of three committees of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said they oppose the Equality Act because while it is meant to provide protections to those who identify as LGBT, it would impose “sweeping regulations to the detriment of society as a whole.”

US: America’s Biggest Christian Charity Funnels Tens of Millions to Hate Groups

The National Christian Foundation passed along $56 million from anonymous individuals to nearly two dozen anti-LGBT and anti-Muslim hate groups over the last three years on record.

Report on the Holy See at the United Nations

Despite not having an official vote, with fully functioning missions (or staffed offices) at the UN sites in Geneva and New York, it does not have an official vote, yet it exerts remarkable power as it influences policy development, negotiation positions and even the language used by other UN members.

eSwatini: 'Bisexual' Pastor Suspended By Swaziland Church in Latest Example of LGBTI Discrimination

Last week a sensational article, by the Times of Swaziland, detailed the public humiliation of a pastor in Siphofaneni whose privacy was invaded to broadcast his alleged sexuality and get him suspended from the church.

South Africa: Dutch Reformed Church's decision diminished gay congregants' integrity - court

Pretoria - In a victory for people in same-sex relationships and who are members of the Dutch Reformed Church, the Gauteng High Court, Pretoria, on Friday morning overturned the church’s decision not to recognise same-sex unions within the church.