Winds of Change

Hong Kong: Gov’t urged to speed up gender recognition legislation after death of transgender woman

“Those who [are] opposed to legislation, and those who use the worst language and exhibit egregious behaviours to reject us as full members of society have blood on their hands.” Ray Chan

A Tool for Change

Historically, in the Asia-Pacific region the portrayal of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) community in media has been largely negative, reflecting the general lack of acceptance of LGBTIQ people within wider society.

Timor Leste: Asia's youngest nation offers glimmer of hope for LGBT rights

Marching through the streets of East Timor's capital Dili with a rainbow flag in his hand, Natalino Guterres was overwhelmed with emotion, reminding him of how he felt 15 years ago when he saw the Timorese flag raised for the first time.

US: The troubling politics of the Texas Supreme Court's reversal on same-sex benefits

Last month, the Texas Supreme Court voted unanimously to overturn a lower court ruling guaranteeing benefits to the spouses of gay and lesbian public employees.

Brazil as World LGBT Murder Capital and Rio’s Place in the Data

All of these political changes also share center stage with a growing crisis of racist, sexist, and homophobic violence taking place in the country. I