Winds of Change

Brazil: Juíza proíbe corte de cabelo de travestis e transexuais em presídios do DF

Decisão considera manutenção do cabelo como ‘forma de empoderamento’ e parte ‘fundamental da identidade’. Segundo a SSP, atualmente 12 travestis estão presas em unidades prisionais do Distrito Federal.

Brazilian judge rules that trans people will not be forced to have their hair cut in prison

Kenya: Responding to human rights violations of LGBT people

LGBT and human rights activists from Nigeria, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Uganda gathered recently in Nairobi to learn how to better record and respond to human rights violations of LGBT people.

Australia: Here's What Happened At A Same-Sex Marriage Doorknocking Campaign

If you spent the weekend on Facebook or Twitter, you'd be forgiven for thinking the same-sex marriage survey has descended into a slanging match about anarchist protesters, a headbutting DJ, and, depending on how you look at it, a "Vote Yes" text that was disastrously invasive or entirely reasonable.

Brazil: Prisão de travestis em celas masculinas levanta discussão sobre gênero

A prisão de travestis acusadas de participarem de esquema de tráfico de pessoas levanta a discussão sobre o tratamento delas no sistema prisional. Quem não tem registro feminino é encaminhada ao Complexo Penitenciário da Papuda

The arrest of transvestites accused of participating in human trafficking scheme raises the discussion of their treatment in the prison system.

India: Conference Highlighting Role of Media

The Humsafar Trust based in Mumbai with support from Multi-country South Asia HIV program (MSA) in collaboration with National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) organized a two-day ‘Northeast Regional MSM (Men who have sex with men) Peer Conference’ at Greenwood Resort in Guwahati on September 20 and 21.

UN Human Rights Office unveils global standards for business to tackle discrimination against LGBTI people

The United Nations Human Rights Office has developed five Standards of Conduct to support the business community in tackling discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people.