Winds of Change

Meet Solongo Batsukh, Mongolia’s transgender beauty queen who refuses to stay hidden despite backlash on social media

She is among the few LGBT people who have dared to come out in Mongolia, where some 80 per cent of the community remain in the closet, according to a UN survey

Batsukh wants to dispel the image that transgender women can only be sex workers or strippers living on the fringes of society, instead becoming a celebrity in her home country

The Need for an HIV 2020 Conference

An alliance of global key population-led networks, networks of people living with HIV, treatment activists, and our supporters, has formed to organize an alternative international community-led event.

Global trans perspectives on health and wellbeing: TvT community report

Today, the Transrespect versus Transphobia Worldwide (TvT) project team  is launching our publication, “Global trans perspectives on health and wellbeing: TvT community report.”