Winds of Change


In support of World Health Organisation’s efforts to inform and help communities slow the spread of COVID-19 virus, Pan Africa ILGA will be postponing its 5th Regional Conference which was scheduled to be held in Accra, Ghana, from 27 to 31 July 2020, tentatively to the last quarter of 2020.

Tunisia: LGBTQ association achieves major legal milestone

In a first for Tunisia and the Arab world, Shams, an association founded in early 2015 to defend LGBTQ rights, was granted legal protection in a ruling handed down Feb. 21 by Tunisia's Court of Cassation following the state's attempts to shut down the organization.

Why the words we use matter when describing anti-trans activists

It’s difficult to precisely define radical feminism. But it’s clear that it includes a commitment to a very substantial overhaul of inherited attitudes about such things as femininity, masculinity, sexual desire and relationships between women and men.

Australia: Submissions to the ‘Religious Freedom’ bill released

The Attorney General’s Office has made public some of the submissions to the government’s consultation over its revised religious freedom bill.