World of Politics

India: Transgenders hold rally opposing two bills

Transgender people of Telangana organised a massive rally in the city against Trafficking of persons (Prevention, protection and rehabilitation) bill and Transgender persons bill, 2018 on Saturday. The rally, which started at 12 noon from Goshala, Lower Tank Bund, went up to Dharna Chowk in Indira Park.

France: GPA à l’étranger le gouvernement se range derrière la Cour de Cassation

Questioned by a member of parliament LR on the possibility of including in the law the recognition of the parentage of children born abroad by GPA, the Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet defended the jurisprudence of the Court of Cassation.

Brazil: Medida Provisória assinada por Bolsonaro não explicita diretrizes para população LGBTI

Outro decreto, também publicado nesta quarta-feira, institui que promoção dos direitos dessa população ficará a cargo de diretoria subordinada à Secretaria Nacional de Proteção Global, o que representa perda de status em relação ao tratamento dado anteriormente

Another decree, also published on Wednesday, establishes that the promotion of the rights of this population will be in charge of a board subordinate to the National Secretariat of Global Protection, which represents a loss of status in relation to the treatment previously given

Brazil’s Bolsonaro targets minorities on 1st day in office

Newly installed President Jair Bolsonaro targeted Brazil’s indigenous groups, descendants of slaves and the LGBT community with executive orders in the first hours of his administration, moving quickly after a campaign in which the far-right leader said he would radically overhaul many aspects of life in Latin America’s largest nation.