Anti-LGBTQ Criminalization & the Catholic Church: A Chronology

Despite clear indications that criminalizing a person because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression violates Church teaching, responses from Catholics to anti-LGBTQ human rights abuses have been a mixed bag of both support for and opposition to punitive laws.

Brunei defends gay sex death penalty as more for 'prevention than to punish'

Brunei said new laws imposing the death penalty for gay sex and adultery were designed more for “prevention than to punish” in response to the United Nations’ condemnation of the measures.

Statement by Equal Rights Coalition on the situation in Brunei

The undersigned members of the Equal Rights Coalition (ERC) express profound dismay at the decision of Brunei to fully implement its revised Penal Code. 

US: Clinician Recommendations Regarding Condom Use Are Not Uniform

Despite recent research revealing that antiretroviral therapy (ART) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) both greatly reduce the chances of HIV transmission, the “Undetectable Equals Untransmittable” message is not being promoted by all providers who work with HIV patients or those at risk of HIV.