Ireland: Lyra McKee: kindness defined her, we must fight for her memory

In the North young gay people still come into their LGBT identities mostly on their own. Even in 2019. If their secret is exposed too soon – and Lyra's was – the penalty is isolation, a sort of social solitary confinement, teenage Purdah. 

How the word ‘queer’ was adopted by the LGBTQ community

Originally a derogatory name for a homosexual, “queer” has been embraced by some in the nonheterosexual community. In response, some activists in the gay community (to use a broad term) started calling themselves “queer” in a prideful way.

Australia: Greens comprehensive LGBTIQ+ policies

All Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ+) people have the right to be free from discrimination, have autonomy over their bodies, and access to holistic and comprehensive health services.

Burkina Faso: «On est loin d’envisager une gay pride au Burkina Faso»

A report, published the following year by independent researchers , the Afrobarometer, even ranks Burkina Faso among the three African countries most intolerant towards homosexuals. "The vast majority of the population is against us, especially religious and customary chiefs,"continues Marcel. Yet homosexuality has always existed here. "

Northern Ireland: How uncomfortable conversations can save lives

In 2014, aged 24, McKee wrote to her teenage self about being gay, her future in journalism, and being happy