Jamaica: Transgender conference a sign of the times

THE Jamaican brand has taken quite a battering from the local and international LGBTQ community, having been tagged “homophobic” — meaning possessing an aggressive intolerance of anything less than a heterosexual lifestyle.

For that reason, among others, we find it encouraging, though not surprising, that the transgender community is staging what they say is their second annual Trans Health and Wellness Conference set for June 25, 2019 at the Knutsford Court Hotel in Kingston.

We in this space have never accepted the description of the majority of Jamaicans as homophobic. True to their religious conviction, most Jamaicans might be opposed to the gay and trans lifestyle, but not violently so. Indeed, the times they are a-changing and even many of those who were violently intolerant have moved to a centrist position in which they remain opposed to, but are increasingly tolerant of the rights of, non-heterosexual persons in our society.

One of the most telling changes has been the fact that nearly all of the high-profile entertainers who used to include violent lyrics against homosexuals in their recordings and performances have ceased to do so. We were a bit surprised that there were any holdouts when news surfaced recently that dancehall artiste Sizzla Kalonji was banned from participating in a tour of the United States, following a highly publicised ban from 'Sting' in 2014.

Obviously, the campaign to decriminalise buggery – sex between men – has not gone the way the gay community would have liked. But even at that, it allowed for open debate of the issues which, we suspect, has been of more benefit than harm to those advocating decriminalisation. That, given time, will come too, we expect.

Read more via Jamaica Observer

US: National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health

This is our first wide-ranging report from a cross-sectional national survey of LGBTQ youth across the United States. With over 34,000 respondents, it is the largest survey of LGBTQ youth mental health ever conducted and provides a critical understanding of the experiences impacting their lives.