US: Cathedral High School terminates gay teacher to stay in Indianapolis Archdiocese

Just days after the Archdiocese of Indianapolis cut ties with one Catholic high school over its decision to continue to employee a gay teacher, another school is firing one of its educators to avoid the same fate.

Iraq: How A Housepainter And An Army Widow Led The Secret Fight To Save LGBT People From ISIS

One is the son of a communist who smuggled messages in kebabs for party members. The other is an army widow whose husband was killed by al-Qaeda. Together they want to convince the world that targeting LGBT people is a crime against humanity.

Employees of Catholic Institutions Who Have Been Fired, Forced to Resign, Had Offers Rescinded, or Had Their Jobs Threatened Because of LGBT Issues

Below is a list, organized by year, of workers in Catholic institutions who have been fired, forced to resign, had offers rescinded, or had their jobs threatened because of LGBT issues.