US: 48 Male Patients Say A USC Doctor Sexually Abused Them — And The University Was Warned

Five of those patients, all of whom were students, say they told the university that Dr. Dennis Kelly subjected them to invasive exams and made sexual remarks.

France: Conservatives Mobilize After French Gov’t Proposes State-Funded IVF for Same-Sex Couples

A proposal to provide state-funded in-vitro fertilization treatment for lesbian couples and single mothers is being welcomed by LGBT groups, but conservatives are vowing to take to the streets in opposition.

Tunisia: An openly gay candidate is running for president, a milestone for the Arab world

Lawyer Mounir Baatour officially announced his candidacy for the Tunisian presidency Thursday, becoming the first known openly gay presidential candidate in the Arab world and heralding a major step forward for LGBT rights in a country that still criminalizes gay sex.

US: More than 7,000 Americans have gender X IDs, a victory for transgender rights. Is it a safety risk, too?

Three years ago, no one in the USA was legally recognized as neither male or female. Today, thousands of people can point to a gender-neutral marker on state driver's licenses and identification cards, according to records obtained by USA TODAY.