India: Health for All? Mental & Queer Issues Missing at UN’s Health Plan

Who comes under all? ‘All’ is a nebulous term if not meshed out thoroughly. For example, in creating global healthcare systems the question that must be asked is - are vulnerable, high-risk populations being served as a priority?

Uganda: Why government is reintroducing anti-gay law

“Homosexuals are people who are always looking for relevance. These are people who make money out of complaining that they are being persecuted, hunted and targeted. But yes, I am not aware of it [the Bill] targeting them and I am not involved in it. However, if the Anti-Homosexuality law is reintroduced, I will support it,” Pr Martin Ssempa

US: High stakes for LGBT Americans at Supreme Court next week

Because other federal rights laws besides Title VII bar discrimination on the basis of sex without explicitly banning anti-LGBT discrimination, the Supreme Court’s ruling will have an impact on areas besides employment.

UN: 3 Key Takeaways from the Sustainable Development Goals Summit

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) took center stage on the global agenda as world leaders met during the week of September 23 for the annual high-level week of the United Nations General Assembly. This year’s high-level week featured a range of issues connected to the SDG agenda, from climate action to universal health coverage to financing for development.

New Zealand: One in six trans, non-binary people say a professional tried to change them

The statistic was revealed in Counting Ourselves - New Zealand's first comprehensive national study of the health and wellbeing of trans and non-binary people.