eSwatini: Anti-gay law 'like a gun pointing at us' says activist

When LGBT+ people took to the streets last year for the first ever Pride march in eSwatini, formerly known as Swaziland, some hardly believed they could celebrate the event in a country where stigma is rife and gay sex remains illegal.

InQueery: What Does It Mean to Be Intersex?

Welcome back to your favorite educational web series InQueery, where we dive deep into the history — sorry — themstory of LGBTQ+ terms and vocabulary. In this episode, our very own video producer/editor and intersex advocate Maria Tridas explores the history of the word "intersex," from its beginnings as a medical term to its reclamation by the intersex community. Check out the full video (and script below) to learn more about what it means to be intersex.

UN: Background Note on Human Rights Violations against Intersex People

The background note analyses the specific human rights violations faced by Intersex people and the corresponding human rights obligations of States, identifying gaps, challenges and positive developments and charting the way forward to ensure that the human rights of intersex people are respected, protected and fulfilled.