Australia: Research shows religious debates taking heavy toll

New research shows that LGBTIQ Australians feel the current social situation, with the ongoing religious freedom debates, is worse now than during the 2017 same-sex marriage debate.

Saint Vincent: Court prepares to rule on challenge to buggery laws

The High Court will rule on Wednesday, November 20 on whether to allow 10 churches to become a party in a challenge to the anti-buggery laws in St Vincent and the Grenadines even as lawyers for both sides expressed differing opinions on the decision by two gay nationals challenging the law.

Saint Lucia: Bishop warns of “devilish and sinful” agenda!

The outspoken bishop expressed concerns that the legal challenge spells trouble. A “devilish and sinful” agenda, he warns, is afoot.

Jamaica: Discriminatory Anti-Sodomy Law Fuels HIV in Jamaica

In testimony before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), AIDS-Free World’s Sarah Bosha delivered a forceful denunciation of the anti-sodomy provisions in Jamaica’s Offenses Against the Persons Act, arguing that the Colonial-era law is instrumental in the spread of the HIV epidemic in the Caribbean region and violates the American Convention on Human Rights, which Jamaica ratified in 1978.

Australia: Bid to decriminalise sex work in South Australia defeated in Parliament

The bill was the 13th attempt to decriminalise sex work in South Australia. It was a private member's bill which had support from MPs from different sides of Parliament. SA's Premier was in favour of the change, while the Opposition Leader was against

Canada: A call for action on overdose among LGBTQ people in North America

It is essential for addiction services for LGBTQ people to be welcoming, evidence-informed, client-centred, safe, reflexive, and non-judgmental, while also promoting dignity and respect in all encounters with LGBTQ clients.