Switzerland: Lesbian is still a big word

This week in Geneva, a round table highlights the invisibilisation of lesbians in our society. Meeting with journalist Alice Coffin, who talks about the lack of representation, the danger of hypersexualising clichés of the pornographic industry, and the importance of access to the media discourse

US: A transgender woman says she was humiliated when she was forced to remove her makeup for her ID

“I expected it to be just fine,” Dolinar told The Washington Post on Wednesday. “I never expected to walk in and have a discriminatory incident occur.”

El Salvador: Naciones Unidas llama a investigar y sancionar crímenes de odio

The United Nations System in El Salvador calls on national authorities responsible for investigating these crimes to punish the perpetrators, to recognize transphobia as aggravating, and to take urgent measures to prevent further acts of violence based on prejudice and hate against the LGBTI community.

St Vincent and the Grenadines: Judge allows churches to join SVG’s buggery case

High Court Judge Justice Esco Henry, on Wednesday, ruled to allow 10 churches calling themselves the Christian Coalition to join the Government in responding to the constitutional challenge to the buggery and gross indecency laws in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.