Australia: The second coming of religious freedom: churches back 'significantly improved' bill

The Morrison government appears to have rescued its religious discrimination bill from disaster with major religious groups declaring they are pleased with revisions made in a second draft that will go to Parliament early next year.

UN members reject US admin’s pro-gay foreign policy proposal

U.S. ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell pitched a U.S. campaign to decriminalize homosexual conduct to members of the LGBT Core Group on Wednesday. But the group of nations that promote LGBT rights at the UN were having none of it.

Croatia: LGBTI Persons Will Demand Right to Adopt Children

The decision of the Administrative Court to annul earlier decisions rejecting the requests of life partners Ivo Šegota and Mladen Kozic to become foster children is a historic moment and the first step towards full equality of LGBTI persons in Croatia. Now comes the fight for the right to adopt children and the right to medically assisted fertilization for lesbian couples.

US: How gay couples in TV commercials became a mainstream phenomenon

Television ads aren't as important in the digital marketing age as they were a generation ago, but in some ways they represent a final frontier of mainstream cultural acceptance for gay equality, according to several marketing experts who specialize in helping major corporations sell products to the gay community.