Australia: High sex, low risk: How gay and bisexual men who use drugs are protecting themselves from HIV

Kirby Institute researchers have found that gay and bisexual men who use crystal methamphetamine during sex (a practice known as chemsex) are more likely to include biomedical HIV prevention strategies when engaging in condomless sex than those who do not use crystal methamphetamine.

Defiant: Landscape survey on violence in East Africa

“Sexuality and gender go hand in hand; both are creatures of culture and society, and both play a central, crucial role in maintaining power relations in our societies. They give each other shape and any enquiry into the former tends to invoke the latter.” — Sylvia Tamale, African Sexualities: A Reader

The 2010’s – a Major Decade for The LGBTQ Community

We’ve come a long way in the last 10 years. We’ve made a lot of progress but we’ve also lost some ground internationally when it comes to LGBTQ rights. Here is a review of the last decade.

Trinidad: ‘Miracle’ baby for lesbian couple

LISA Melville and her partner Shackiba St Louis yesterday welcomed their baby daughter, Miracle, into the world. Their daughter may be as close to a miracle as the gay couple can ever expect. Using sperm donated by a gay friend, who prefers to remain anonymous, the couple said they performed an at-home insemination on May 14.