Panama Parliament condemns violence in protests against constitutional reforms

“Ignorance and prejudice are the basis of homophobia in our country and the LGTBI community is defenseless against these attacks . Listening to the deputy renews the fight. Many have opened their eyes that homophobia is real and dangerous. ”

Panama closes doors to equal marriage with reform

The National Assembly of Panama, a unicameral legislature with an official majority, took the first step to prevent same-sex marriage through constitutional reform. The deputies approved a project to reform the Constitution where in one of its articles it says that "the State recognizes only the marriage between a man and a woman".

Switzerland: How a Swiss school initiative fights sexual stigma at an early age

In Taiwan, sex is one of the most challenging topics in education. How can we prepare the next generation for pluralistic gender identities and a world that increasingly accepts gender diversity? In Switzerland, volunteers help teachers answer these difficult questions and help students overcome misconceptions.

Czech Republic: ILGA-Europe, Stronger Together

This is the year in which we celebrate 50 years of Stonewall, a moment to acknowledge the journey and celebrate our incredible collective achievements. Around the world Stonewall is considered the start of the ‘modern LGBT(I) movement’.

US: Woman says Roncalli fired her for supporting 2 employees fired over same-sex marriages

In response to questions from IndyStar about Fisher's dismissal, the archdiocese said it has a constitutional right to "hire leaders who support the schools’ religious mission."